Affordable Art Fair Brisbane
Brisbane Showgrounds Building
Brisbane, Australia
09 - 12 May, 2024

Leanne Clayton
A multifaceted artist of Samoan and European descent whose primary medium is printmaking. Her textile works combine cultural and personal memory which consider the roles of family and tradition in a cross-cultural society. Her installations represent a confluence of Polynesian and Western cultures, utilising techniques and materials from each. Drawing from diverse historical materials ranging from family photographs, found object making through to clothing and dress, she explores how cultural traditions shape who we are and where we are from.

Sheyne Tuffery
Sheyne was inspired by architectural landmarks such as the Gaudi monuments in Barcelona and Gothic Baroque of Prague, which helped him to blend the high rise/high-density housing of Auckland with the shape of the Samoan fale. He used the term "paper architecture" synonymously with his printmaking, as it was a blueprint for what he wanted to see. The concept of high-rise Pacific structures took on more meaning for Sheyne after he learned about rising sea levels in Kiribati and Tuvalu, and he began to incorporate environmental issues into his work, focusing on endangered species such as the Yellow-eyed penguin. Sheyne's recent subject matter has been exploring popular science for a spiritual narrative.

Faraimo Paulo
A Pacific contemporary painter, carver, and designer, Faraimo Paulo of Tokelau, is on a mission to record his people’s history and culture. Tokelau is made up of three coral atolls: Atafu, Nukunonu, and Fakaofo, 500km north of Western Samoa. As emigration and rising water levels from global warming threaten to erase the traditional Tokelauan lifestyle, Paulo has embarked on a mission to realistically capture on canvas the culture, stories, and scenes of Tokelauan society, often using his family members as models.